Welcome to Year 1's class page! We can't wait to share all the exciting and interesting things we have been learning about in class. If you have any questions please don't hesitate to contact school.
Mrs Horton & Mrs Bloomer
At St Alban's we use Pathways to Write as our English scheme.
Year 1's current text focus is Meesha Makes Friends . The children are learning about the features of a diary.
The children have mastery keys that they are working towards being confident with by the end of this half term.
At St Alban's we follow the White Rose Scheme of Learrning in Maths.
Year 1's current focus in maths is Place Value within 10.
Year 1's current topic in Science is Seasonal Changes.
History and Geography are alternated every 6 weeks. Year 1 are currently focusing on Geography and the topic is Urban Town: Warrington.
Art and Design/Design Technology
Art and Design and Design Technology are alternated every 6 weeks.
Year 1 are currently focusing Art and Design. The skill the children will be developing is collage, with a focus on the work of Lois Ehlert.
As a school we follow the Kapow Computing Curriculum.
This half term Y1 will be focusing onOnline safety.
They will be learning how to stay safe online and how to manage feelings and emotions when someone or something has upset us.
As a school we approach RSHE from a Catholic perspective, using TEN:TEN, Live Life To The Full as our main programme.
We will also be using resources from The PSHE Association.
Y1's P.E day is Monday. Children must come to school in the correct kit, including appropriate footwear.
The first lesson of every PE block is focused on dance and then the children will be focusing on developing thier ball skills.
As a school we follow Little Wandle Letters and Sounds as our Government accredited phonics scheme.
In Year 1 the children have daily phonics sessions.
To find out more about Little Wandle please follow the link below. The website has lots of helpful information as well as videos modelling correct puncuation of sounds.
You can access this information here
As a Catholic School, the teaching of the church is at the heart of everything we do. As well as daily worship, we follow RED 'To Know You More Clearly'.