Hello and welcome to Year 2's class page! We are looking forward to keeping you up-to-date with all of the amazing, fun activities and learning we get up to this year. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the school office.
Mrs Muse

We follow the Pathways to Write scheme at St. Alban's and the book to inspire our writing for Autum 1 is 'Troll Swap' written by Leigh Hodgkinson.
The final writing outcome for this unit is to write a storybased upon the model text using the pupils' ideas for characters. We will work towards writing a story based upon the model text using our own ideas for a change of character. During this unit we will be learning how to:
- Use subordination (because) and coordination (and)
- Use expanded noun phrases to describe and specify
- Use punctuation correctly - full stops, capital letters
How do we teach maths?
At St Alban’s we follow a Mastery Approach to teaching Maths, ensuring children have a firm understanding of the different Mathematical concepts through Varied Fluency, Reasoning and Problem Solving.
Furthermore, in Year 2, we follow a concrete, pictorial, abstract (CPA) appraoch to learning. This is where children explore new concepts using mathematical equipment first before learning how to represent these with pictures and drawings before finally using written calculations and symbols eg:
Autumn Term
Year 2 will be completing the following units during the first half of the Autumn Term-
- Place Value
- Addition and Subtraction
Each White Rose unit is broken down into small steps that ensure breadth and depth of learning.
Reasoning and Problem Solving
Each lesson has an element of reasoning and/or problem solving and children are supported to verbalise and record their ideas.
RE-Come and See
As a Catholic School, the teaching of the church is at the heart of everything we do. As well as daily worship, we follow RED 'To Know You More Clearly'.
Our topics for Autumn Term will be Branch 1 Creation and Covenant and Branch 2 Prophecy and Promise.
In history, we will be learning about early explorers and their achievements, such as Christopher Columbus and Neil Armstrong. Discuss polar explorersand investigate how exploration has changed.
In geography, we will be learning The U.K. and Weather. Children will learn the countries of the U.K. and explore the different weather patterns.
In D&T, we will be investigating a variety of vehicles, investigating wheels, axles and chassis. Children will then design and make their own vehicle and evaluate the finished product.
In Art, we will be learning how to do running stitch, weave with different materials, compare watercolour weaving of Ulrike Martin to more intricate work of Shelia Hicks and finally create a woven piece of art inspied by Shelia Hicks.
Our Science topic for Autumn 1 is called 'Animals including humans'. The children will identify the needs of animals for survival, explore the importance of healthy eating and investigate the impact of exercise on our bodies and the importance of hygiene.
We follow the Kapow scheme of learning for Computing.
For Autumn Term our topic is Online Safety. Children will be learning how to keep information safe and private online.
Year 2’s PE day is Thursday, please can you ensure your child comes to school on this day wearing appropriate footwear and the correct PE uniform each week.
Throughout the year, Year 2 will experience a range of sporting activities where they will develop their skills, learn the rules of games and improve their fitness levels.
In Autumn Term 1 we will be developing our ball skills through throwing and catching and dribbling the ball.
We have also took part in learning golf which Year 2 absolutely loved.
We use the Charanga music scheme at St. Alban's. The clearly sequenced lessons support the key areas of the English Model Music Curriculum; Listening, Singing, Playing Composing and Performing.
In Autumn Term, Year 2's music unit is called 'Exploring Simple Patterns'. The children will explore a wide range of musical styles and their songs are Music Is In My Soul, Hey Friends and Hello.
Year 2 love to sing and perform together especially their favourite song Music Is In My Soul.