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St Alban's RE Teaching Programme

At St Alban's, we are currently teaching two RE programmes across the school. Early Years (Nursery and Reception) and Year One are teaching from the new Religious Education Directorate, To Know You More Clearly. The rest of the school are still following the Come and See programme of Religious Education. Our children also experience other religions work as part of their RE learning.

To Know you more clearly

From September 2023, to fulfil our aims and objectives we will use the ‘To Know You More Clearly’ programme from the new Religious Education Directory prescribed by the Archdiocese of Liverpool. This programme is currently optional but will be compulsory for all year groups from September 2025. We have chosen to start the programme as it is rolled out by the Archdiocese of Liverpool for each year group.

The dates for the role out of the new RED Curriculum are as follows: Autumn 2023 EYFS, Spring 2024 year One, Summer 2024 Year 2, 2024-2025 KS2.

The programme of study for religious education in Catholic schools presented in To Know You More Clearly has a framework with four structural elements:

  1. knowledge lenses
  2. ways of knowing
  3. expected outcomes
  4. curriculum branches

Knowledge lenses set out the object of study for pupils; they indicate what should be known by the end of each age-phase. They are referred to as lenses, since they are the things we are looking at and they divide the content of the programme of study into four systematic subsections for the study of Catholicism and two additional lenses for the study of religions and worldviews.

The study of Catholic religion lenses are:

  • Hear
  • Believe
  • Celebrate
  • Live

The study of other religions and worldviews lenses are:

  • Dialogue
  • Encounter

Ways of knowing set out the skills that pupils should be developing as they progress through their curriculum journey. Whenever we know something, we always know it in more than one way: we remember it, we critically assimilate it, and we put it into practice. All three are ways of coming to know the things that are the object of our study. The ways of knowing are an evolution of the Age-related Standards in Religious Education, which were themselves an evolution of the Levels of Attainment in Religious Education. The three ways of knowing are:

understand - head - see - what will I see and hear to help me understand?

discern - heart - judge - how will I discover more?

respond - hands - act - what can I do now?

Expected outcomes are a synthesis of the content outlined in the knowledge lenses and the skills described in the ways of knowing. Each age-phase will have a prescribed set of outcomes that will indicate what pupils are expected to know, remember, and be able to do, using the language of the ways of knowing and applying it to the discrete knowledge within each lens.

Curriculum branches are the way this programme of study presents its model curriculum. The model curriculum presents the expected outcomes in six curriculum branches that correspond to the six half-terms of a school year. The model curriculum is rooted in the narrative of salvation history and leads pupils on a journey in each year of schooling that gives a sequence to the learning. As they revisit each branch in each year of school they come to a deeper understanding of its significance for Catholic belief and practice, which allows them to make links between the four knowledge lenses within the context of the narrative of salvation history. The six curriculum branches are: 

  1. Creation and Covenant
  2. Prophecy and Promise
  3. From Galilee to Jerusalem
  4. From Desert to Garden
  5. To the Ends of the Earth
  6. Dialogue and Encounter

To Know You More Clearly Overview

Come and See

The Come and See programme is split into three themes which are gradually explored throughout all year groups. The themes are Church, Sacrament and Christion Living.

The process for delivering the topics in the Come and See programme has three stages... Explore, Reveal and Respond.

Explore... is the introduction to the topic where the children's life experience is explored. The questions it raises are wondered at, shared, investigated and their significance reflected upon. One week is given to this part of the programme.

Reveal... is the heart of the programme where knowledge and understanding of the Catholic faith is revealed through the Word, in Scripture, Tradition, doctrine, prayers, rites and Christian Living. Two weeks are given to this part of the programme.

Respond... is where the learning is assimilated, celebrated and responded to in daily life. One week is given to this part of the programme.

At the end of each topic, a whole school Rejoice assembly takes place, led by children from every class throughout the year.

Other Faiths

As part of the Come and See programme, we also study two non christian faiths per year. We focus on Judaism in the Autumn term and Islam, Hindism or Sikhism in the Summer term. 

Come and See Overviews

Other Religions

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