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Year 5 - Mr Atkins

Welcome to Year 5's class page! 

In Year 5 we aim to give our very best every day.  We work hard, knowing when it is possible to develop our independence and when we need to ask for help.  We follow in the footsteps of Jesus by caring and supporting each other. In Year 5, we provide a challenging learning environment where all children are supported to make progress in their learning.

The children experience a wide range of subjects and a variety of learning opportunities. Each half term, we will focus on a different History or Geography unit and in English we will use a range of books as inspiration for our writing. Over the year, we will also complete Art and DT units as well as RE, PSHE Music, French, PE and Computing weekly.

If you have any further questions, please don't hesitate to contact me via the class Seesaw app.

Mr Atkins


Reading continues to be vitally important this year, so your support with listening to your child read at home as regularly as possible, ideally on a daily basis, is very much appreciated. Please remember children should record any reading they are doing at home in their Reading Record books. Discussing and asking questions about the books you share will enhance their comprehension and inference skills. We will also be focussing on these during our individual and guided reading sessions in school in which we follow Pathways to read.


In Year 5 we focus on a variety of different genres. This half term in English we will be learning about persuasive texts, using the text 'Queen of the falls' as inspiration for the children's writing. Later in the term our focus will turn to the book 'The Lost Happy Endings'.

Reading also plays a vital role in our English curriculum. Each week we focus on developing our reading and comprehension skills by exploring the different reading domains of:

  • Vocabulary 
  • Retrieval
  • Summarise
  • Inference
  • Prediction
  • Compare, contrast and comment
  • Author's choice


Y5 will alternate their learning of Computing and Music each half term. 

Y5 will become digital learners and understand the dangers of the online world and how best to protect themselves from harm. In addition they will learn how to read music whilst singing to a selection of songs.


Y5 will alternate their learning of Art and DT throughout the year.

To begin the year, Y5 will look at the famous artist Stefan Duncan and his unique style of painting, squiggleism. They will have the opportunity to create their own artwork utilsilng this technique.

During DT Y5 will cook a range of dishes linking to seasonality in addition to developing their stitching skills in textiles.


Throughout the year, Y5 experience a range of sporting activities. During the Autumn Term, Y5 will develop their understanding and skills of Tennis.

Later in the term, Y5 will aim to improve their Basketball skills. This will be done by using a range of teaching methods tailored towards developing all areas of play.

PE will be on a Monday, so please ensure your child has appropriate footwear and the correct PE uniform each week.


At St Alban's we follow a Mastery Approach to teacing Maths, ensuring children establish a solid understanding of the different mathematical concepts through Varied Fluency, Reasoning and Problem Solving. During the Autumn Term we will be covering a range of Maths topics such as: 

  • Plave Value and Numbers
  • Addition and Subtraction
  • Multiplication adn DIvision
  • Fractions

We also pactise our arithmetic every morning during morning maths!



In Science we follow the Developing Experts Scheme and our current topic is 'Animals incluiding Humans. Later in the term, we will be looking at 'changing materials' completing a range of investigations linking to reactions.


As a Catholic School, the teaching of the church is at the heart of everything we do. As well as daily collective worship, we follow the 'To Know You More Clearly' scheme. Our Branches for Autumn Term are:​

  • Creation and Covenant
  • Prophecy and Promise






Each Half Term at St Alban's we focus on a different History or Geography topic. This Half Term, Year 5 will be focusing on the Geography topic all about North America, finding cities on an atlas and identifying different climates.


Here are some photos from various lessons and activities we have done so far throughout the year! Enjoy!

Useful links:






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