Pupil Premium

At St Alban's Catholic Primary School, we firmly believe that every child should be given every opportunity to reach their full potential, whatever their background or circumstance. We hold high aspirations for all our children and believe that no child should be left behind. Pupil Premium is a percentage of our budget and this page and the attachments within it detail how it is spent in our school to maximum effect.
Pupil Premium is additional funding, from the government, provided to schools for supporting pupils to ensure they benefit from the same opportunities as all other children. Research shows that pupils from deprived backgrounds underachieve compared to their non-deprived peers. The premium is provided to school to 'close the gap' in attainment and progress.
Children that qualify for pupil premium are:
- Children who are eligible for free school meals (FSM)
- Looked after children
- Armed forces children
- Adopted Children
- Children under Special Guardianship on or after 30 December 2005
- Children under a Residence Order on or after 14th October 1991
All schools have the freedom to spend the Pupil Premium in a way they think will best support the raising of attainment for the most vulnerable pupils in their care and that can benefit wider pupils. Our staff and governors are committed to meeting children's social, pastoral and academic needs and carefully review our spending and impact every year. We use assessment information and in school outcomes to support us in identifying barriers to learning.
The spending of Puupil Premium is based on three categorise:
1. Teaching - ensuring staff are trained and their skills are current to deliver quality first teaching and recruitment of teachers and support staff.
2. Targetted Academic Support - for 1 to 1 support and structured interventions
3. Wider Strategies - funding allocated to enable children to participate fully and actively in wider and extra-curricular activities; including class visits, residentials and after school clubs and opportunities.
If you have any questions with regards to Pupil Premium please contact school for more information.