We are proud of our school uniform and encourage pupils to take a pride in their appearance. Please read our Uniform Policy for details of uniform expectations.
PLEASE ENSURE THAT ALL UNIFORM IS LABELLED WITH YOUR CHILD’S NAME as we cannot return items of clothing if we do not know who owns it!
School Uniform Summary Checklist for Parents
All children are expected to wear school uniform.
Please ensure all items are labelled clearly with your child’s name.
Winter Uniform |
Summer Uniform |
PE Kits |
Bags |
- Hair bobbles/accessories: navy/black/white/blue gingham in summer
- No jewellery is to be worn, except for a simple watch.
- We advise that earrings are not worn for health and safety reasons, however should you allow your child to wear earrings, only small studs will be acceptable, which must be removed for PE by parents. Staff are not responsible for removing earrings.
- Hair styles must not be extreme, and should be appropriate and safe for school activities.
- School welcome clean uniform donations and will provide uniform swap sessions during the year.
Uniform Suppliers
Parents can purchase school uniform from any shop or a specific uniform supplier. Uniform does not need to show the school badge as long as it the correct colour and style. It is essential that you label all items of uniform with your child’s name please. Please note that the pinafore or skirt should be navy blue not grey.
If you wish to purchase uniform with the school logo then this is available from 2 suppliers in Warrington.
We ask that parents buy a book bag for children to bring books and work to and from school. These can be purchsed from the school office. Please do not buy rucksacks for your children as we do not have the space to hang these up in our cloakroom areas.