The Curriculum - Our Vision
The Curriculum – Our Vision
At St Alban’s, we want our children to learn, understand and remember what they have been taught from a curriculum that is exciting, sequenced and bespoke to promote their culture capital, the skills they need to succeed in life. It is our aim for children to be curious, confident, creative, resilient, independent learners who grow personally, culturally, socially, morally and spiritually to reach their full potential. Through our curriculum, we break down barriers of disability, SEND and social disadvantage so our children have the confidence to aim high knowing anything is possible.
At the heart of our St Alban’s curriculum lie three main drivers:
- Aspirations
We encourage children and staff to be the best that they can be to achieve their hopes and dreams now and for their future lives. We promote individual growth academically and socially celebrating talents within and beyond the curriculum. We want our children to know that their decisions and choices will contribute to and change their lives and the lives of other.
- Belonging
We are inclusive, everyone belongs. Our unique individuals thrive in a safe, secure and stimulating environment where they are nurtured, care for one another and following their faith. We promote and encourage children’s talents and gifts. Every person in our school community is valued, respected and part of the team. We instil a sense of community and responsibility through encouragement to make positive changes to our environment locally, nationally and globally.
- Communication
We aim to promote respect and dignity across our school as we listen and learn together. We accept and appreciate difference of religion, culture, languages and tradition within our uniquely diverse school. Positive relationships, collaboration and team work are at the heart of our vibrant community.
At St Alban’s we follow The Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum and The National Curriculum. We have developed our bespoke curriculum based around these national objectives.
Our curriculum learning is planned coherently to ensure children build their knowledge, skills and understanding progressively from EYFS to Y6. It is sequenced so new knowledge and skills build on what has been taught before and pupils can work towards clearly defined end points. Teachers check pupil understanding effectively, correct misconception and ensure pupils embed key concepts in their long-term memory and apply them fluently.
Subject leaders have created long term curriculum plans in conjunction with all staff so that they know where their year group objectives and learning fit into the whole school scheme. Teachers have a thorough knowledge of subjects that they teach and CPD is sourced to support teachers in their role.
English, maths, science, religious education, physical education and computing are taught all year round. We use high quality and challenging texts in English teaching that ensure opportunities for in depth learning, development of vocabulary, knowledge and concepts are planned for. Art and design and design technology, history and geography, music and dance are currently taught alternately in focused blocks. Daily acts of collective worship take place and PHSE is taught discreetly on a weekly basis. At key stage two our children are taught French and Spanish although, it is introduced subtly throughout key stage one also. In KS2 children also learn how to swim.
Our curriculum is inclusive and accessible by ALL children. Children with SEND, EAL and those who receive pupil premium funding have plans adapted and support in place so that they acquire the knowledge and capital culture that they need to succeed in life.
Teachers use assessment to check pupils’ understanding, inform teaching and help pupils embed and use knowledge fluently. Assessment information for all subjects is collected and used by subject leaders to inform school improvement planning and the impact of St Alban’s curriculum.
Learning experiences are supported with educational visits and visitors to the school. Outdoor learning is also promoted throughout all subjects and we also deliver a residential visit in Y6. Children in Y4-Y6 also have the opportunity to visit Edinburgh or London. We are actively involved with Active Hope in Y4 and Y5.
The impact of our curriculum is that by the specified end points, the vast majority of pupils have sustained mastery of the content. This means that learning is embedded in their long-term memory and children achieve well as reflected in the results from national tests and the good quality work in their books across the curriculum. At St Alban’s we ensure that all children are ready for the next stage of their learning as they transition between key stages.
Teachers are continually assessing children’s learning against the curriculum objectives for their class and the key knowledge set out in their planning document for every foundation subject. Time for retrieval tasks is built in to enable teachers to assess how well the children have retained information at a distance from previous learning. They provide timely feedback to the children to check on understanding and ensure progress is made. Staff are supported with assessments through moderation. Assessment information for all subjects is collected and used by subject leaders to then inform the school improvement planning and the impact of the St Alban’s curriculum.
Monitoring and Reviewing the Curriculum
Our Governing Body is responsible for monitoring the way in which the school curriculum is implemented. Governors liaise with subject leaders through visits, reports and presentations to view the impact of the subjects within the curriculum. Governors are assigned to key areas within the curriculum. There is also a named governor assigned to SEND and Safeguarding. These governors report back during governors’ meetings.
The Headteacher and Deputy Headteacher organise the monitoring of teaching and learning as well as curriculum development and receive feedback from subject leaders. The Headteacher, Deputy Headteacher and EYFS Lead are responsible for the day-to-day organisation of teaching and learning. The Headteacher, who is the curriculum lead, oversees curriculum development planning.
Subject leaders also monitor the way in which their subject is taught throughout the school. They examine long-term and medium-term planning, books, talk to children, participate in learning walks and ensure that appropriate teaching strategies are used to ensure maximum impact and progress in their subject area.