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St Alban's School Day

Our school is open from 8:40 am till 3:10 pm each day with the exception of our nursery. Please see details below.

Nursery 8:45-11:45 am

Our youngest children attend school for a three hour session each day. Children are welcomed in at 8:45 am and are waved farewell at 11:45 am.

Reception 8:40 am-3:10 pm

Key Stage One

8:40 am - children are welcomed into school at the playground gate

8:40-10:15 am - first morning session

10:15-10:30 am - playtime

10:30 am-12:00 pm - second morning session

12:00-12:55 pm - lunch time

12:55-3:10 pm - afternoon session (KS1 teachers allow a 10-15 minute playtime during the afternoon)

3:10 pm - home time

Key Stage Two

8:40 am - children are welcomed into school at the playground gate

8:40-10:15 am - first morning session

10:15-10:30 am - playtime

10:30 am-12:10 pm - second morning session

12:00-12:55 pm - lunch time

12:55-3:10 pm - afternoon session 

3:10 pm - home time

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