Year 4 - Mr Critchley
In Year 4, the children experience a wide range of subjects and a variety of learning opportunities. Each half term, we will focus on a different History or Geography unit and in English we will use a range of books as inspiration for our writing. Over the year, we will also complete Art and DT units as well as RE, Music, French, PE and Computing every week.
In Year 4, the children are still developing their independence and are encouraged to achieve to the best of their ability. We provide a challenging learning environment where all children are supported to make progress in their learning. All lessons are planned carefully to make them exciting and stimulating.
If you have any further questions, please don't hesitate to contact me via the class Seesaw app.
Mr Critchley
At St Alban’s we follow a Mastery Approach to teaching Maths, ensuring children have a firm understanding of the different Mathematical concepts through Varied Fluency, Reasoning and Problem Solving. During the Spring term we will be covering a range of Maths topics such as:
- Multiplication and division
- Length and perimeter
- Fractions
- Decimals
We also complete weekly Times Table quizes to prepare for the end of year multiplication check.
In Year 4 we focus on a variety of different genres. This half term in English we will be learning about Non-Fiction texts, using the text 'Escape from Pompeii' as inspiration for the children's writing.
Reading also plays a vital role in our English curriculum. Each week we focus on developing our reading and comprehension skills by exploring the different reading domains of:
- Vocabulary
- Retrieval
- Summarise
- Inference
- Prediction
- Compare, contrast and comment
- Author's choice
Throughout the year, Y4 experience a range of sporting activities. During the Spring Term, Y4 will develop their understanding and skills of Gymnastics.
PE will be on a Thursday this half term, so please ensure your child has appropriate footwear and the correct PE uniform each week.
RE- Come and See
As a Catholic School, the teaching of the church is at the heart of everything we do. As well as daily worship, we follow the Come and See Scheme. Our topics for the Spring Term are:
- Community
- Giving & recieving
- Self discipline
We also look forward to celebrating the First Holy Communion for some of our children during this Year.
During Spring term, Y4 explore themes of Electricity. The children will plan and complete a range of investigations, reporting their findings in a suitable way. Later in the term, Y4 will explore Living things and their habitats.
The Ancient Greeks
How did the civilisation of Ancient Greece develop in power to create a lasting legacy?
Compare Italy & the Lake district
Y4 will use maps, atlases, globes & digital/computer mapping to explore & compare the similarities & differences of Italy & The Lake District.
Use the eight points of a compass, four-figure grid reference, symbols & key to build their knowledge of the wider world.
Useful Links: