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Year 6

                                                                                                              Miss Taylor                            Mrs Gleeson

                                                                                                           Class Teacher                               HLTA



Welcome to Year 6

Hello and welcome to Year 6, my name is Miss Taylor and I am the class teacher. In Year 6, we strive to create learning environment that is engaging and motivating for all, encouraging all children to fulfil their potential while preparing them for the next step to High School.

As Year 6 are the oldest pupils in the school, we greatly encourage independence and responsibility. All our pupils have taken on extra roles such as: Head boy/girl, Deputies, House Captains and Play Leaders. Throughout St Alban’s, our Year 6 children act as role models to the younger children, demonstrating our school’s core values.

If you have any further question, please do not hesitate to get in touch.  

Kind regards

Miss Taylor


At St Alban’s we follow a Mastery Approach to teaching Maths, ensuring children have a firm understanding of the different Mathematical concepts through Varied Fluency, Reasoning and Problem Solving. During the Spring Term we will be covering a range of Maths topics such as:

  • Ratio
  • Algebra
  • Decimals
  • Fractions, decimals and percentages
  • Area, perimeter and volume
  • Statistics

We also practice our arithmetic and times tables skills weekly.




For our English lessons, we follow the Pathways to Write Scheme. This half term we  are studying the book The Selfish Giant by Oscar Wilde and learning how to write a classic narrative. As part of this topic, our Mastery Keys are:

  • Distinguish between the language of speech and writing

  • Recognise vocabulary and structures for formal speech and writing, including subjunctive forms

  • Use passive verbs

  • Use semi-colons to mark boundaries between independent clauses



Reading also plays a vital role in our English curriculum. This half term we are reading the book The Happy Prince and Other Tales also by Oscar Wilde. Within each reading session we focus on developing our reading and comprehension skills by exploring the different reading domains.

  • Vocabulary
  • Retrieval
  • Inference
  • Predicting
  • Summarise
  • Compare, contrast and comment
  • Author's choice

In Year 6 we also use Reading Plus and the children have weekly targetted reading sessions online.



As a Catholic School, the teaching of the church is at the heart of everything we do. As well as daily worship, we follow the Come and See Scheme. Our topics for the Spring Term are:

  • Local Church - Community: Sources
  • Eucharist - Relating: Unity
  • Lent/Easter - Giving: Death and New Life


World War 2


What was it like to live during WW2?

World War 2 was certainly a huge significant event of not only British History but the World during the last 100 years. During this topic Year 6 will learn about the events that lead to the outbreak of World War 2 and some of major British battles of WW2. We will then explore what it was like to live in Britain during the war and how daily life was affected. We will conclude this topic by exploring what lead to the end of the war and how Britain and its allies ultimately became victorious.


Looking after the Environment

‘We are the first generation to feel the impact of climate change and the last generation that can do something about it’-Barack Obama

This unit ‘Looking after the Environment' is designed to complement the DfE’s sustainability science curriculum. Within this unit, Year 6 will explore what climate is and how it has changed. We will also explore the reasons behind climate change and what can be done both individually and globally to reduce it.



This half term, Year 6's topic in PE is gymnastics. 

Design and Technology

As part of our design and technology curriculum, this half term will be learning all about mechanics.

dt spring


Le Weekend

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