Year 6
Miss Taylor Mrs Gleeson
Class Teacher HLTA
Welcome to Year 6
Hello and welcome to Year 6, my name is Miss Taylor and I am the class teacher. In Year 6, we strive to create learning environment that is engaging and motivating for all, encouraging all children to fulfil their potential while preparing them for the next step to High School.
As Year 6 are the oldest pupils in the school, we greatly encourage independence and responsibility. All our pupils have taken on extra roles such as: Head boy/girl, Deputies, House Captains and Play Leaders. Throughout St Alban’s, our Year 6 children act as role models to the younger children, demonstrating our school’s core values.
If you have any further question, please do not hesitate to get in touch.
Kind regards
Miss Taylor
At St Alban’s we follow a Mastery Approach to teaching Maths, ensuring children have a firm understanding of the different Mathematical concepts through Varied Fluency, Reasoning and Problem Solving. During the Autumn Term we will be covering a range of Maths topics such as:
- Place Value
- Addition, subtraction, multiplication and division
- Fractions
- Converting units
- Ratio
We also practice our arithmetic and times tables skills weekly.

For our English lessons, we follow the Pathways to Write Scheme. In Autumn 1 we are studying the book Star of Fear, Star of Hope by Jo Hoestlandt and learning how to write a story with a flashback from another character's point of view. As part of this topic, our Mastery Keys are:
- Use expanded noun phrases to convey complicated information concisely
- Use passive verbs
- Link ideas across paragraphs using a wider range of cohesive devices
- Integrate dialogue to convey character and advance the action

Autumn 2
In Autumn 2 we are studying the book Can we save the tiger? by Martin Jenkins and learning how to write a hybrid text. As part of this topic, our Mastery Keys are:
- Enhance meaning through selecting appropriate grammar and vocabulary
- Use modal verbs and adverbs to indicate degrees of possibility
- Use brackets, dashes or commas to indicate parenthesis
Reading also plays a vital role in our English curriculum. In Autumn 1 we will read the book When we were Warriors by Emma Carroll and in Autumn 2 we will be exploring the work of Katherine Rundell in her book Into the Jungle. Within each reading session we focus on developing our reading and comprehension skills by exploring the different reading domains.
- Vocabulary
- Retrieval
- Inference
- Predicting
- Summarise
- Compare, contrast and comment
- Author's choice
In Year 6 we also use Reading Plus and the children have weekly targetted reading sessions online.
As a Catholic School, the teaching of the church is at the heart of everything we do. As well as daily worship, we follow the To Know You More Clearly. Our topics for the Autumn Term are:
- Branch 1-Creation and Covenant
- Branch 2-Prophecy and Promise
The Vikings

Where the Vikings victorious in their invasion of Britain?
When you think of the Vikings you often think of invaders in big longships however there is so much more to the Vikings. In this topic, year 6 will explore how the Vikings arrived in Britain, what it was like to be a Viking and the battles and conflicts for the kingdom against the Anglo Saxons. But who will be victorious?
In Geography this term we will be learning all about the countries of South America. We will be exploring both the human and physical geographical features of this facinating continent as well as development our map skills.


Global Food
This term our DT topic is Global Food. During this topic we will be exploring, cooking and tasting a range of foods from around the world before planning and creating our own recipe.
Autumn 1
In Autumn 1, our science topic is Animals, including humans where we will focus on how the heart works and how to keep it healthy.
Autumn 2
In Autumn 2, our science topic will be Evolution and Inheritance. Throughout this unit, we will learn about the fascinating history of the human race and discover links between extinct animals and those which are still living today.

This term in art we will be focusing on drawing and studying the work of Veri Apriyatno. We will focus particularly on the skills required for self-portraits and drawing people such as adding fine detail, creating texture, accurate scale and light/shadow.
In Autumn 1 we will be learning about how to improve both our Tennis and Hockey skills.
In Autumn 2 we will be working on improving our Netball skills particularly in a game situation.

Online Safety
This term our Computing topic is all about Online Safety. Within our sessions, year 6 will learn how to deal with issues online and how to keep themselves safe online.

A l'ecole
By the end of the unit year 6 will have the knowledge and skills to talk about the subjects they like and dislike at school (along with a justification) and at what time/day they study various subjects.
Developing Melodic Phrases
This focus will focus on how music brings us together and celebrates a wide range of musical styles. Within lessons year 6 will continue to develop listening, singing, playing, composing and performing skills.